Bedienungsanleitung Telefunken Tv

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Striving for absolute perfection SONIC EXCELLENCE AND QUALITY – TELEFUNKEN MICROPHONES AND HEADPHONES.› ★ Bedienungsanleitung Telefunken Tv Manual ★

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The company developed rapidly. By the end of the 30s the number of employees was 23 500 employees, and during the Second World War reached 40 000. In 1941 the group bought out the firm AEG Siemens & Halske 50% of Telefunken, given to them during the joint creation of the company. From now on, the company became a wholly owned subsidiary of AEG.

However, in conditions of war Siemens & Halske was allowed to use the joint patents in their designs. During the war, Telefunken became a leading German company in the production of communications equipment, radar equipment, other wireless radios.

After the war, captured by the production were actively used by the Soviet Union as part of reparations agreements. The central office in Berlin was burned. Nevertheless, the company survived. In the early 50-ies Telefunken moved to West Berlin.

In 1955 the company was renamed to Telefunken GmbH, and in 1963 - in the Telefunken AG (Aktiengesellschaft). In the postwar years, the company was forced to switch to a special radio equipment in domestic. For example, Telefunken radio receivers are widely supplied for Mercedes-Benz cars early fifties. In 1955, after 10 years of restrictions the company was able to re-create different radar tools. In the following years are radars for civil aviation and shipping.

And in 1963, Telefunken engineer Walter Bruch represents professionals of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) PAL color system. In 1967, PAL TV system is the standard in Germany. Today, the system is the basic PAL TV color system in Europe (except France, Russia, Belarus), Asia, Australia and several countries in Africa and South America. At the turn of the 60s and 70s with the enterprise conveyors coming off two millionth reel tape recorder M204 TS, and later - and the ten millionth black-and-white TV.

TELEFUNKEN Fernseh und Rundfunk GmbH in 1984 acquired the French group Thomson. Since that time used the Thomson Telefunken brand as a trademark. The parent company also in 1979 changed its name to cumbersome AEG-TELEFUNKEN AG. Numerous AEG financial problems have led to the fact that the company's assets were sold to various companies around the world for several years, and the AEG in 1985, was purchased by the concern Daimler-Benz AG. After 10 years in 1995, Daimler-Benz sells AEG-Telefunken in EHG Electroholding GmbH, now a subsidiary of Daimler AG. Currently Telefunken works with more than 50 partners in 120 countries around the world that sell original products, or work on OEM system.

For example, since 2006, the largest manufacturer of television sets in Europe, the Turkish holding Profilio-Telra produces LCD TVs under the Telefunken brand. In 2001 in North America, the company appeared Telefunken USA. Goal - the creation of exact reproductions of the original microphone. In 2009, as a result of a conference organized in Frankfurt, the company confer exclusive rights to manufacture a wide variety of acoustic instruments under the Telefunken brand name, the company renamed itself Telefunken Elektroakustik. In a separate segment stands out the production of LED equipment of this brand - Telefunken-lighting.

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