Autoit Create Xml File
I was asking @eltorro serveral times for any support for XML DOM wrapper. Dear all, i am unable to open a xml file to excel in the 'xml table. DOCTYPE SCHEMA SYSTEM 'HGWSPZJK.dtd';I can not generate this line. All Activity; Home; AutoIt v3; AutoIt Help and Support; AutoIt General Help and Support; XML simple questions.
Blue Aeroplanes Bop Art Rar. The Blue Aeroplanes' first album Bop Art was released on their own in 1984, and was rapidly picked up by the Abstract (US) and Fire (UK) labels. It contained material that had been considered as a follow-up to ' only album, Bagpipe Music. Gerard Langley's largely spoken poetic lyrics were combined with. Discover releases, reviews, credits, songs, and more about Blue Aeroplanes. Bop Art at Discogs. Complete your Blue Aeroplanes. collection. Blue aeroplanes bop art rar.
Any data protected with the key ring can no longer be decrypted. This may include and.To configure data protection under IIS to persist the key ring, use one of the following approaches:.Create Data Protection Registry KeysData protection keys used by ASP.NET Core apps are stored in the registry external to the apps.
;Assign the file path to a variable
;Open the file temp.txt in append mode. If the folder C:AutomationDevelopers does not exist, it will be created.
;Display a message box in case of any errors.
MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL,','An error occurred when opening the file.')
;Write a set of lines for demonstration
FileWriteLine($hFileOpen,'This is the first line')
FileWriteLine($hFileOpen,'This is the second line')
FileWriteLine($hFileOpen,'This is the third line')
FileWriteLine($hFileOpen,'This is the last line')
;Set the file position to beginning for reading the data from the beginning of the file.
;Read the 2nd line of data from the file using the handle returned by FileOpen
;Display the data.
MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL,'Automation Developers','The second line is:'&@CRLF&$sFileRead)
;Read the last line of data from the file using the handle returned by FileOpen
;Display the data.
MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL,'Automation Developers','The last line is:'&@CRLF&$sFileRead)
;Close the handle returned by FileOpen.
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- By VinMeDear all, i am unable to open a xml file to excel in the 'xml table format' Please help me out in where i am missing
Local $strFileToOpen = _WinAPI_OpenFileDlg('Select xml file', @WorkingDir, 'All Files(*.*)', 1, ', ', BitOR($OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST, $OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST, $OFN_HIDEREADONLY)) Global $xlXmlLoadImportToList = 2 ; Places the contents of the XML data file in an XML table$oExcel = _Excel_Open()$oWorkbook1=$oExcel.Workbooks.OpenXML($strFileToOpen, ', $xlXmlLoadImportToList)If $strFileToOpen <> False Then Local $oWorkbook1 = _Excel_BookOpen($oExcel, $strFileToOpen)EndIf Error i am getting is:
...81e_Compare_v1.au3' (46) : > The requested action with this object has failed.:
$oWorkbook1=$oExcel.Workbooks.OpenXML($strFileToOpen, ', $xlXmlLoadImportToList)
$oWorkbook1=$oExcel.Workbooks^ ERROR
>Exit code: 1 Time: 7.338 - By ijourneauxI have been using the XML UDF successfully for sometime. I am now tring to add in error handling for some bad XML files I run into.
$oXmlDoc = _XML_CreateDOMDocument(Default) _XML_Load($oXmlDoc,$sFileXML) ;< ENTER XML FILE PATH HERE If @error Then; ConsoleWrite(StringFormat('_XML_load error - @error = %s', @error) & @CRLF); ConsoleWrite('-' & $sFileXML & @CRLF) Exit -1 EndIf ConsoleWrite('-' & $sFileXML & @CRLF) ;If no specified nodes exist, log error and exit If Not _XML_NodeExists($oXmlDoc, '//Property') Then; ConsoleWrite('No specified nodes exist' & @CRLF) Exit -1 EndIf ;Get number of Property nodes $oProperties = _XML_SelectNodes($oXmlDoc,'//Property/Data') $iNodeCount = @extended $oParents = $oXmlDoc.SelectSingleNode('//Property[@Name='Parents']/Data') There are no error upto this point. The XML file I am trying to handle has a Data node but when I try to
$sParam = StringSplit($oParents.text, ';') I get a fatal error (requested action on object failed). How can I test for the problem before I try to do the string split? I tried using @error, and testing $oParents but no luck.
Appreciate any tips. - By ijourneauxI am trying to read an XML file that looks like the following. I am particularly interested in the ParameterNames and ParameterValues
I was able to read a simplier XML file using
$oXML.load('DataForwardSettings.xml') Local $oInfos = $oXML.selectnodes('//Database') ; or //Info or //Data//Info or //Values/Info but have not been able to read
<?xml version='1.0'?><Entities> <Entity RecordType='TrendData'> <Property Name='AlarmLimitsSetNumber' IsReadOnly='False' ValueType='System.Int32'>8</Property> <Property Name='AnalysisParamaterSetNumber' IsReadOnly='False' ValueType='System.Int32'>8</Property> <Property Name='ParameterNames' IsReadOnly='True' IsList='True' ListType='List<string>' ValueType='Array' ArrayType='System.String' Count='12'>System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String]<Data>OVERALL PK-PK WAVEFORM HFD CREST FACTOR SYNC 1-6 1X 2X 3X-4X FTF BSF BPFO BPFI</Data></Property> <Property Name='ParameterValues' IsReadOnly='True' IsList='True' ListType='List<float>' ValueType='Array' ArrayType='System.Single' Count='12'>System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Single]<Data>0.04706,0.27951,0.02640,4.85608,0.03494,0.01727,0.02256,0.01993,0.00207,0.00060,0.00178,0.00221</Data></Property> <Property Name='NumberOfParameters' IsReadOnly='False' ValueType='System.Int32'>12</Property> <Property Name='ModifiedSinceLastDataDump' IsReadOnly='False' ValueType='System.Boolean'>False</Property> <Property Name='Load' IsReadOnly='False' ValueType='System.Single'>0</Property> <Property Name='RPM' IsReadOnly='False' ValueType='System.Single'>140.962</Property> <Property Name='Value' IsReadOnly='False' ValueType='System.Single'>-1.1E-20</Property> <Property Name='SampleID' IsReadOnly='False' ValueType='System.Int32'>-626794</Property> <Property Name='Timestamp_as_String' IsReadOnly='True' ValueType='System.String'>8/18/2018 2:05:33 PM</Property> <Property Name='Timestamp_as_UInt' IsReadOnly='False' ValueType='System.UInt32'>1534619133</Property> <Property Name='Timestamp' IsReadOnly='False' ValueType='System.DateTime'>8/18/2018 2:05:33 PM</Property> <Property Name='StorageFlag' IsReadOnly='False' ValueType='Enum' EnumType='Emerson.CSI.DataImport.MHM.TrendDataStorageType' EnumValue='2'>RPM_And_Overall</Property> <Property Name='Parents' IsReadOnly='False' IsList='True' ListType='List<string>' ValueType='Array' ArrayType='System.String' Count='5'>System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String]<Data>Database=phmhmdb4ts;C:RBMdbsrvCustData4ts_online_1807.rbm;-99 Area=4TS;-494 Equipment=4THTS;-712 MeasurementPoint=D39;-780 DataCollectionSet=Normal Collection Dryer Rolls;-783</Data></Property> </Entity></Entities> I tried switching to the XML UDF but was alittle lost in how to use it. I am particularly interested in the ParameterNames and ParameterValues. - By macranI want to generating a XML file (test.xml) like as follow:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='GBK'?>
<!DOCTYPE SCHEMA SYSTEM 'HGWSPZJK.dtd'> ;I can not generate this line
<TAXPAYER CJRMC='sigmagroup' CJRDM='9131011571786229XM' CJLX='DKZK' RECORDCOUNT='411' SBRQ='2018-08-31' NSRMC='sigmagroup' SWSBH='9131011571786229XM'>
<Record BZ=' JKKADM='2244' JKKAMC='shanghai' SE='5907.82' TFRQ='2018-08-23' FPHM='224420181000752586-L02'/>
<Record BZ=' JKKADM='2244' JKKAMC='shanghai' SE='4742.4' TFRQ='2018-08-21' FPHM='224420181000743016-L01'/>
<Record BZ=' JKKADM='2244' JKKAMC='shanghai' SE='18720' TFRQ='2018-08-14' FPHM='224420181000719215-L01'/>
Local $oXMLile=_XML_CreateFile(@ScriptDir&'test.xml',',True)
but there is no function CreateDocumentType
It is no effort even I test use
Local $doct=$oXMLfile.CreateDocumentType('SCHEMA', null, 'HGWSPZJK.dtd', null)
pls help me thanks. - By SkeletorHi All,
This is purely an XML Language question. I need to understand how I can add a value/element in between another XML element.
Code below shows the XML file. The info tag has the elements already inserted.
<Configuration xmlns='http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/Modules.Reporting.DataContracts.LineItems' xmlns:i='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance'> <GenConf> <Info>ID, Site, Name , Site_ID</Info> </GenConf></Configuration> Now, I want to add a value from a node group into this code. Something like below. But the example below does not work.
Any suggestions?
<Configuration xmlns='http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/Modules.Reporting.DataContracts.LineItems' xmlns:i='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance'> <GenConf> <Info>ID, Site, a/@id, Name , Site_ID</Info> </GenConf></Configuration> <ProductName> <a/> </ProductName>